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How To Read a Book

How We Grow features blank pages at the end of each chapter titled “My Ideas From This Chapter.” By writing your own ideas while they are fresh in your mind, you focus on what you are learning and how it applies to you. By the end of reading this book you will have a list of notes, maybe even big ideas.

Marcia Barnes is an avid reader and attributes forming a reading habit to transforming her career and personal development. Here We Grow is intentionally designed to motivate leaders at all career stages. 

In “How to Read a Book,” Marcia examines why so many successful business leaders are voracious readers. She also considers the barriers preventing many people from reading books and provides solutions for accessing your professional development. 

“Success is not defined by getting everything done,” she writes. “Great success is about getting the right things done.” 

Finally, she argues how reading with an intentional plan drives results, impacts your leadership development, and cultivates more dynamic relationships with your team members and family.

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Marcia Barnes founded Valve+Meter Performance Marketing with the vision to 10x the value of 100 businesses. If reading Here We Grow has inspired you to release the flywheel in your business, our team is ready to hear about the results you need in order to drive transformational growth. Request your free marketing analysis today!